Improving the Resting Grounds of Migratory Birds with Geocycle India

Ossudu Lake Bird Sanctuary is situated about 10 km from Puducherry town and has been recognized as one of the most important wetlands of Asia by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. The lake acts as the single largest catchment of freshwater in Puducherry. As per the Bombay Natural Bird History […]

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Innovative ways to be a Green Company with Today, businesses are increasingly recognizing the value of investing in climate change and going green. Involvement in green action gives employees and employers the push to create a large impact but it’s equally necessary to apply the correct approaches to involve these people in creating shared value. Investing in trees with provides a […]

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TATA AIA Life Insurance is taking an extra step for safeguarding lives. Here’s how?

We are proud to be associated with companies like TATA AIA Life Insurance, who are not only ensuring the life of their customers but also of marginalized tribal communities of India. Their core value of considering the consumer paramount and creating distinctive opportunities for development is truly prevalent in any activity undertaken by them. TATA […]

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