
Intellectual Public Welfare And Training For Art Society

Intellectual Public Welfare And Training For Art Society

Intellectual Public Welfare & Training For Art Society (IPWTA) was registered in the year 2005 under Madhya Pradesh society registration act. The society work focuses on community development and biodiversity conservation. Training camps, educational workshops, street play are various activities undertaken to bring about sensitization to the local community about environment. These training programs teaches the community the significance and rational use of Non-timber forest product (NTFP).

The society works with 10 panchayat villages in the Harda district to conserve biodiversity. In the year 2014 the society completed a contract with the Forest Plus Programme at the subject of Human Wildlife Conflict to ensure protection of crops, livestock, property and human life. The animals, many of which are endangered are often killed in such conflicts.

In 2016-2017 society contracted with Grow-Trees and have successfully planted two lakh samplings of Bamboo and Teak near the tributaries of Narmada rivers. Grow-Trees looks forward to plant many more trees in following years thus impacting the environment and enriching the livelihood of the local communities.

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