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GrowTrees Ecosystem Foundation

Foundation for Ecological, Social and Economic Enhancement:

Contributing to public and environmental prosperity, GrowTrees Ecosystem Foundation works toward enhancing rural livelihoods across India through Information Technology and other applications. The key objective being the promotion of activities beneficial to the environment, forestry, wildlife, rural communities, and natural resources, it aims to conduct scientific research, large scale tree plantation initiatives, and animal welfare projects. The foundation looks forward to creating a wholesome impact on the socio-economic upliftment and sustainability of the lesser haves via various projects and volunteering programs.

In a long-term perspective, GrowTrees envisions building a co-operative and collaborative network with other national and international organizations to further the impact of its initiatives on society. Via collective efforts and contributions, it aspires to positively affect rural miseries from the grass-root and assist in improving their living conditions. Enhancing the tribal-rural economic conditions through the generation of alternative livelihood opportunities will eventually assist in improving the provision of education to the younger generations and lead to their ecological development.

Four Pillars of Restoration:

The best way to fight climate change is to build the natural ecosystem. Large-scale tree plantation initiatives will assist in rebuilding degraded and deforested lands, rejuvenating water bodies, recharging groundwater, restoring wildlife habitats, sequestrate carbon, and enhance the socio-economic sustainability of the tribal-rural communities. The plantation activities will further help in creating alternative employment opportunities for the rural communities while also providing them with the essential NTFPs. Further, all the plantation activities will be conducted with the help of the rural communities, generating direct employment opportunities for them.

The vital benefit that the beehive fences are providing to the farms is pollination services, which is by far the most effective way to increase natural forests and agriculture produce. This will also provide sustainable income to the local communities from the sales of honey and beeswax in the local markets. By providing avenues for bee-hive cultivations, we will assist in providing long-term solutions for the ecological and social upliftment of the communities and wildlife. It will eventually assist in enhancing rural livelihood avenues for the communities residing in the regions.

We will be building local ponds made of clay/stone/cement and other locally sourced material to ensure affordable and replicable supply of water to the community members. We will also be building stone barriers, check dams, trenching and furrowing as well as laying pipelines to agricultural fields for irrigation and conservation of water resources. This will help in improving water quality and increase the water table level.

To save the endangered species, it is important to restore and rebuild their natural habitat. Via breeding of honey-beehives and planting trees, we will be able to recoup forested lands and improve the wildlife ecosystems. We aim to enhance the availability of living resources to all the forest-dependent animal species. Further, planting trees will also reduce the prevailing and alarming man-animal conflict.

It is a Section 8 company (an organisation with charitable or not-for-profit objects), founded on May 30th, 2018 by Ms. Sudha Shah, Ms. Supriya Patil, and Mr. Bikrant Tiwary. With the help of honey bee cultivation as one of its torchbearers, the aim is to generate alternative employment opportunities for the tribal-rural communities, increasing their scope of a sustainable livelihood. Furthermore, we will take steps to alleviate water scarcity in rural India by the rehabilitation of water bodies. These initiatives to create shared value for the rural inhabitants will eventually assist in conserving wildlife habitats, recharge groundwater, improve water quality, reduce man-animal conflict, and reduce surface run-off of water, lessening the impact of soil erosion.

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