
In Memory Of

Sunil Sahib Jhangiani
Sunil Sahib Jhangiani Name of the Recipient

Plant in this grove - Trees for Ecotourism™, Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand, India.

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Participants List

Name of the participant Message Date of contribution
Mala Misha Navin Isha Shanon Urvashi Amish Jhangiani The Radha Krishen Grove Has Been Dedicated To Sunil Jhangiani For Eternal Love Today Tomorrow & Forever 24 Aug 2018
Suresh, Kavita and Shawn Jhangiani In loving memory of my brother, Sunil Jhangiani (5 Dec 1950 - 8 Aug 2001) who was born in Jabalpur, the land where the Narmada river fl 27 Nov 2018
Anju, Sushil, Simrin, Samica, Sherra Jhangiani Like branches on a tree, family may grow in different directions but our roots remain as one. You were the root to our family tree. Th 03 Dec 2018
Shanon Isha Yogi Jhangiani Papa (Sunil Jhangiani) - from the strength of a tiger, to the wisdom and stability of the trees, you encompass everything good in this 03 Dec 2018
Mallika Punwani I wish I got to meet you, Sunil Uncle, but I'm lucky that I get to see the wonderful person you were through your incredible famil 04 Dec 2018
Mala & Ravindra Punwani Though we have not met, we have always felt connected to you. With your blessings, guidance & inspiration, our families are united. 04 Dec 2018
Pooja (Anita) and Vijay Assomull Jessica and Avin Assomull Priya and Yovan Assomull Rishika Assomull Our much loved Sunil, Your winsome smile, kind gestures and spirited personality conquered the world. May you continue to grace its sur 04 Dec 2018
Misha, Navin, Rehan, Krishaan, Sahaana and Samaiya In loving memory of my father, Sunil Jhangiani- my first love and my forever hero. With Love, Misha, Navin, Rehan, Krishaan, Sahaana an 04 Dec 2018
Shanon Isha Yogi Jhangiani 04 Dec 2018
Urvashi and Amish Jhangiani Source of our strength, love of our lives, beat of our hearts… Papa, you are so much more than a father to us. You are our roots - g 04 Dec 2018

If you plant trees in this Grove, your name along with the number of trees you plant will feature in the certificate that will be sent on December 05, 2018

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