
Trees for Farmers®

Carbon Neutrality Project, Jharkhand, India

25,000 Trees Adopted by Development Corporation Bank in FY 2022-23

Target Completed
Project Purpose
Trees for Rural Communities™


The plantation project is implemented in Lachhipur Gram Panchayat, East Singhbum district, Jharkhand, India.


Enhancement of


Carbon Sequestration

Disaster Mitigation

Increase in

Green Cover

Generation of

Rural Employment

About the Project

Agriculture is the main source of income for 80% of the rural population in Jharkhand as the cultivable land resources of the state have good potential for higher production of forest products.

Farmers in the region continue to irrigate their fields using traditional methods, such as ponds, lakes, manual water pumps, and so on, which heavily rely on the availability of these resources. The region's mostly rain-fed farming system is greatly impacted by the amount and distribution of rainfall.

Due to Jharkhand's erratic rainfall pattern and the area's rain-fed farming system, agriculture serves as the main source of income for rurals for just a little over half the year. Seasonal unemployment affects them for the rest of the year. The dependence on forest resources puts excessive strain on the environment. Moreover, there have been instances of man-animal conflict as a result of deforestation and the need for more resources (land or forest) to sustain the expanding human population. Agriculture has degraded the land over time, potentially making it less viable for farming by lowering the nutritional value and nitrogen concentration of the soil.

The semi-arid terrain of Jharkhand is perfect for tree plantation, and its dry and moist deciduous forests offer a favorable habitat for the development of a variety of plant species. We started the "Trees for Farmers®" project in an effort to counteract land degradation, lessen man-animal conflict, relieve pressure on forest resources, and provide additional income for farmers. This project is an effort to turn wasteland and degraded land back into forests in order to address the socio-environmental concerns of the region.

Why Trees for this Project?

According to the Agriculture & Food e-Newsletter, “Conventionally, trees are considered as agents to improve nutrient cycling and retention in agricultural ecosystems by performing a number of functions that help in conservation of natural resources. The eastern region of India is about 22% of the total geographical area, but it maintains 34% human population and 31% livestock (Das et al., 2016). The part of the total area is under forest, which mostly caters to the need of biomass of tribal and non-tribal families which in long run leads to deforestation and environmental degradation.”

The Government of Jharkhand says that “Soil erosion and failure to recycle the biomass is depleting the soil fertility. Hence, judicious oil, water, and land management are required to improve agriculture productivity. Despite the fact that the state has good rainfall, the surface water availability to agriculture is not sufficient due to inadequate storage facilities, etc. as far as the status of groundwater is concerned, it is also in a poor state due to little recharging of ground water by a natural process in absence of artificial recharging facilities, as a result, the water label in the plateau is going down.”

Jharkhand is a prime habitat for Elephants. An article in Mongabay has cited a report that pointed out that “there were 800 human deaths due to conflict with elephants. Similarly, over the last eight years, there were around 60 elephant deaths in such conflicts in the state.”

Tree Species

Our approach to tree planting involves selecting species that are perfectly suited to the local environment of our planting sites, thereby creating a thriving ecosystem that can flourish and sustain itself. 

In this project we have planted Teak (Tectona grandis), Shisham (Dalbergia sissoo), Semal (Bombax ceiba), Acacia (Acacia auriculiformis), Mahua (Madhuca longifolia), Jamun (Syzygium cumini), Mango(Mangifera indica), Neem (Azadirachta indica) and Pongame tree/Karanj (Pongamia pinnata).

Teak wood is highly regarded for its beauty and durability; it is extensively used in making furniture, boats and other wooden products. Another tree that provides excellent timber is Sheesham, also known as Indian Redwood. It is widely known for its resistance to decay. The Semal tree, sometimes referred to as the Silk Cotton Tree, serves multiple purposes - it provides strong timber and a soft silk cotton that is popular for making pillows. Acacia is another versatile tree; not only is it an essential economic resource for the locals, but it is also an important food source for elephants. 

Other trees such as jamun and mango offer fruits that are loved by many. The mango tree is esteemed for its superior quality wood. Neem and Karanj are highly valued for their medical purposes. Mahua too provides flowers and fruits that are beneficial for health. 

Making a Difference - The Impact of Your Support 

Planting trees offers numerous benefits that span across multiple aspects.*

Fodder for Livestock
Livestock is a major source of sustenance for the local community. Planting trees will provide ample fodder to meet the needs of their livestock.

Generating Employment
Our project generates employment opportunities for the farmers since we are committed to working closely with them at our planting sites. They are involved in preparing the saplings in the nursery, transportation of the saplings, plantation and maintenance. The local communities can also earn additional income from the plantation produce, in this case, they can supplement their income from timber and fruits once the tree matures. 

Employment for Women
Many women workers plant trees for our projects. Inclusivity is a key commitment of our tree plantation projects. 

Recharge Groundwater
By planting trees, we can help regulate the natural water cycle and improve water quality. This will benefit both the local population and the elephants. Groundwater recharge happens when water from rainfall and other sources soaks into the ground and refills underground water sources. This is important in making sure we have enough water for drinking, agriculture and other uses. 

Improve Soil Quality
Planting trees help to reduce soil erosion and improve the overall soil quality. This helps increase the agricultural productivity of the local farmers. 

Reduce Human-Wildlife Conflict
Since the plantation helps the sustenance of the local communities; they can collect fodder, fuelwood and fruits from the plantation site, a marked reduction in human-wildlife conflict is expected. 

Carbon sequestration
Trees do an excellent job absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. A mature tree can absorb up to 20 kg of CO2 each year. Planting trees keep the temperature cool and reduce atmospheric stressors. 

*The environmental benefits of the trees reach their full potential as they mature.

Adoption Summary

Name of the Company Number of Trees Planted Fiscal Year


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