Common Name Hawar
Botanical Name Dolichandrone falcata

Medhshingi is a small deciduous tree with bluish-gray bark, peeling in irregular woody scales. Leaves are compound, 3-6 inches long. Leaflets are 5-7, obovate, or round elliptic, sometimes with a small blunt point. The leaflet blade is about 1.2 cm long and wide.

Flowers are white, borne in mostly 1-3 flowered corymbs. The flower stalk is 1/2 inch long. Sepal tube is 1.2-2 cm, split on one side to the base. Flower petals are frilly. Capsules are nearly quadrangular, curved like a sickle. The capsules look like curved sheep horns, hence the common name Medhshingi. This tree grows somewhat slowly even in the best soils. It is very hard, drought-resistant, and fit for propagating in the driest localities. Flowering: May-June.

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