Common Name Madras Thorn
Botanical Name Pithecellobium dulce
Species  :  Pithecellobium dulce
Other Names  :  Madras thorn / Sweeta Tamarind / monkeypod / Jungle Jalebi- Pithecellobium dulce
Hindi Names  :  jungle jalebi or ganga imli, Goras Amli, Dakhani Babul




P. dulce is a tree that reaches a height of about 10 to 15 m (33 to 49 ft). his hardy American tree is native along coasts from California through Mexico to South America, but is now found throughout the tropics. It is now common and naturalized in India and tropical Africa, especially along coasts.
Its trunk is spiny and its leaves are bipinnate. 


The flowers are greenish-white, fragrant, sessile and reach about 12 cm (4.7 in) in length, though appear shorter due to coiling. The flowers produce a pod with an edible pulp. The seeds are black.
The seeds are dispersed via birds that feed on the sweet pod. It is drought resistant and can survive in dry lands from sea level to an elevation of 300 m (980 ft), making it suitable for cultivation as a street tree. The seed pods contain a sweet pulp that can be eaten raw or prepared as a smoothie.

In India. the seeds are used fresh or in curries. The pods are relished by monkeys and livestock. The
flowers are attractive to bees as source of pollen. The resulting honey is of high quality. Although the pods are attractive fodder to most animals. the leaves are browsed but not considered an important animal fodder. The wood of P. dulce is strong and durable vet soft and flexible. It can be used in construction and for posts. The reddish-brown heartwood is dense and difficult to cut. The short spines and irregular. crooked growth make it less attractive for wood uses.

The tree is used extensively as a shade or shelterbelt tree with a great tolerance of arid and harsh sites. It coppices readily and can be managed as a hedge.


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